Monday, April 14, 2008

Day 5

As I've said before, I always want to drink after work. Following retirement, I began working part time as an administrative assistant to critical care nurses. I work four days a week doing work that is completely annoying and, yes, degrading. All day, everyday, I am called upon to do asinine things like decorate bulletin boards, make banners, tape candy onto "People Pleasers," make thousands of photocopies, and do all the crap work that no one else wants to do. Today was no exception.

Making today even more stressful was my annual gynecological exam. During the exam, the doctor thought he detected something unusual, with the result being that I had an immediate ultrasound. Fortunately, after much ado, all was well. It is distressing to want to drink when there is bad news and also when there is good news. The cravings don't last long though, and giving in isn't one bit worth the hangover that ensues and the general prevailing lack of focus that prevents living life to the fullest.

I am pleased that I did not drink today. On to Day 6.

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